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Nye: Full Play
15, 07-May-2024
Remy Beasley
Gwen Davies
Matthew Bulgo
Mr Orchard and Mr Francis
Dyfan Dwyfor
Speaker, Luke Williams and Councillor Williams
Roger Evans
Archie Lush
Ross Foley
Clerk and Ross Doherty
Jon Furlong
Herbert Morrison MP and Mr Howells
Daniel Hawksford
Neil Jones
Bea Holland
Mrs Jones and The Cleaner
Stephanie Jacob
Clement Attlee and Matron
Kezrena James
Nurse Ellie and Arianwen
Tony Jayawardena
Doctor Dain and Winston Churchill
Michael Keane
Owen Thomas and Councillor Morgan
Nicholas Khan
Neville Chamberlain, Mr Frankel, Mr Hill and Doctor Voiceover
Rebecca Killick
Lucy Pritchard and Doctor Voiceover
Oliver Llewellyn-Jenkins
Mark Matthews
Mark Smith, Mr Leslie and Graham the Porter
Rhodri Meilir
David Bevan, Councillor Hopkins and Doctor Voiceover
Ashley Mejr
William Jones, Mr Llywellyn and Chris the Porter
Lee Mengo
Jack Stockton
David Monteith
Mr Fury
Mali O’Donnell
Sara Otung
Sara Roberts and Mrs Lewis
Michael Sheen
Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan
Sharon Small
Jennie Lee
Rufus Norris
Tim Price
Vicki Mortimer
set designer
Kinnetia Isidore
costume designer
Paule Constable
lighting designer
Steven Hoggett
Jess Williams
Will Stuart
Donato Wharton
sound designer
Jon Driscoll
projection designer
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